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Host an Event!

Did you know events are the best way to promote recycling in your area? Host one today! They are easy to do and require only a small space and a small number of volunteers!

A Collection Event is a great way to help the environment quickly and easily. This event can be set up almost anywhere and is much like a "reverse" lemonade stand, Instead of you handing out products, you can collect products therefore providing a service! You can get creative and even make low cost "rewards"! (ex. Recycle 2 ink cartridges and get a free greeting card) We can provide collection boxes, shipping labels and promo materials.

A fundrasing event is a super fun way to contribute to Prairie Printing Recycling's efforts. You make up your own way to fundraise! (ex. Selling gift cards, Using an online tool*, ect.) All money raised goes to our general fund which is used to purchase promo materials, cover shipping costs, purchase supplies (ex. collection bins, markers, ect.) and cover general costs.


*Please contact us for a full list of great online fundrasing tools.

An awareness event is a very flexible type of event. It is a great way to help us out without having to manage messy collection bins. A few ways to raise awareness is to pass out flyers in a crowd, do an interview project, or set up an info kiosk at a public place with brochures. Of corse we are able to provide promo materials.

Collection Event
Awareness Event
Fundrasing Event

Ready to start? Let's Go! -->

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